Shoe Design - Elena

Shoes are really important in our daily life, we wear them everyday,
therefore, comfortability is my first consideration .
But I also want to put some design and decoration into it .
If it's just design for comfortable , it will be ugly.
If it's just design for beauty, it will be painful.
My design is to combine them together, and that's Elena-01.

Extension Heel design, the painful level is related to the height of the heel,
the short heel is for common use (daily life) , while the higher heel is for social occasions.
The color are black and white, and I add a little red to give the design an elegant feeling. (I really like black and white color, because they can create high contrast but also looks good)
I also create an unsymmetry design in the middle part, which I think can catch the attention form people.
For my materials, I will choose cowhide for inside and outside,which is very comfortable.
And I will use wood to make the heel,which I think it's more stable , and the sound will be pleasant.



Gnomon Campus Redesign-International Style