
目前顯示的是 11月, 2017的文章

Gnomon Campus Redesign-International Style

1.Description: This my Gnomon campus Aerial view. I think natural light is really important, it can refresh your brain and make people feel good, so my main focus is to make Main building and Dorm to have natural light, since these two place are where student spend most of their time. I have another building especially for Restaurant/Coffee shop/Art store, I don't like the vending machine stuff, it's not healthy. So I think if we can have real restaurant and coffee shop will be really cool(Like dinning area in shopping mall). And the location I choose to set between Administration's office and the Dorm, I think this will be really convenient for both staff and students. I put the Stage in the center of the campus, since Gnomon usually have lots of event and there will bunch of people who are not familiar with Gnomon. So the merit is that, guest can easily find where stage is , not like the current campus , stage is hidden inside the campus. The other merit is that gue

Shoe Design - Elena

Shoes are really important in our daily life, we wear them everyday, therefore, comfortability is my first consideration . But I also want to put some design and decoration into it . If it's just design for comfortable , it will be ugly. If it's just design for beauty, it will be painful. My design is to combine them together, and that's Elena-01. Extension Heel design, the painful level is related to the height of the heel, the short heel is for common use (daily life) , while the higher heel is for social occasions. The color are black and white, and I add a little red to give the design an elegant feeling. (I really like black and white color, because they can create high contrast but also looks good) I also create an unsymmetry design in the middle part, which I think can catch the attention form people. For my materials, I will choose cowhide for inside and outside,which is very comfortable. And I will use wood to make the heel,which I think it's more