What is good design to me?

I think good design should be visually appealing, practical,simple. And I think the context of the design is also important!

"Design is relationships. Design is a relationship between form and content"-Paul Rand<<Conversations with Students>>

Form is like the appearance of the design, and content is the meaning or usage of the design.


Architect:Christian de Portzamparc

Title:Chateau Cheval Blanc(Winery)



Architect: Kris Yao

Title: Wuzhen Theater

Date: 2010

Country: China

Architectures to me are where people stay and spend time at. They can be home, theater, school.....etc. Architecture is build for human to stay and live. So for the exterior, I prefer organic shape rather than geometric shape. It make me feel more related to the building , since human body are organic shape. Here is another reason why I like these two buildings. They all kind of dissolved into the environment, but also expose the artificial light , which make me feel like human and natural are coordinating.

Interior Design:

Architect: Tadao Ando
Title: 152 Elizabeth
Date: Unknown
Country: New York, USA

Architect: Marmol Raziner
Title: Vienna Way
Date: 2007
Country: Venice,CA,USA
Interior is opposite as the way I view architecture. Since architecture is the appearance, interior is the heart of the building, because it's where we really lived with. I think interior should be more geometric rather than organic , since it can make people feel stable and relief. I also prefer design which is in order and try to maximize the space. Because the space we lived in will affect our self a lot. Natural light is one of my favorite lighting, it feels so beautiful when they interact with the interior at different time.


Designer: Issey Miyake
Title: 132 5.
Date: Unknown
Country: Japan

Designer: Yamamoto Yōji
Title: Unknown
Date: Unknown
Country: Japan

For costume/clothes , I think the most important part is the comfort level,then aesthetic, and the least ,decoration. I hate those clothes with ridiculous decoration , which is useless and make me feel dizzy. The aesthetic of the clothes, I think it related to the proportions and colors. I really like long coat design, no matter male/female, for aesthetic part , it will make people look much more slim and tall. For comfort part, I think it can also cover part of your leg from getting cold.

Graphic Design:

Designer: Rory Kurtz
Title: Drive
Date: Unknown
Country: USA

Designer: Unknown
Title: Norwegian Wood
Date: Unknown
Country: Unknown
I think a good graphic design have to present clear information visually. And use symbol or metaphor to hint the story. I personally like minimalist design, like "Norweign Wood" , while it is very clean and simple , but also have complicated meaning.

Product Design:

Designer: Backbone Branding - Stepan Azaryan
Title: Day&Night
Date: Unknown
Country: Armenia

Designer: Andy Walton
Title: Tilt
Date: Unknown
Country: Armenia
I like to drink coffee, almost everyday! But I always need to bring my own bag, otherwise I can only hold them with my hand,which is cold! I think this design is really cool, it's like a bag but can be unfold like paper, it will be easier to carry. The second one can prevent you from wear your wrist or pour the water out. Also both design is quite clean and simple .



Gnomon Campus Redesign-International Style