
目前顯示的是 10月, 2017的文章

What is good design to me?

I think good design should be visually appealing, practical,simple. And I think the context of the design is also important! "Design is relationships. Design is a relationship between form and content"-Paul Rand<<Conversations with Students>> Form is like the appearance of the design, and content is the meaning or usage of the design. Architecture: Architect:Christian de Portzamparc Title:Chateau Cheval Blanc(Winery) Date:2011 Country:France Architect: Kris Yao Title: Wuzhen Theater Date: 2010 Country: China Architectures to me are where people stay and spend time at. They can be home, theater, school.....etc. Architecture is build for human to stay and live. So for the exterior, I prefer organic shape rather than geometric shape. It make me feel more related to the building , since human body are organic shape. Here is another reason why I like these two buildings. They all kind of dissolved into the environment, but also expose